UNICORN ™, — Organic mineral fertilizer that improves soil properties, increases fertility by increasing soil pH, improving the content of organic matter and minerals, providing the soil with humic substances (humic and fulvic acids). nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Enriches the absorption complex of the soil, saturating it with deficient organic compounds. Increased soil fertility with the help of humate and mineral parts and acts from the first application and has a prolonging effect, accumulates water and gives it to plants. gradually donating nutrients available in the soil.
Restoration and improvement of soil fertility with our fertilizer helps nature to balance the soil ecosystem and minimize harmful processes from modern types of soil pollution: pesticides, agrochemicals, industrial emissions, natural disasters, fire and plastic, pests and toxins.

UNICORN ™, is a good radioprotector that deactivates and disposes of toxic substances, equalizes soil acidity to a neutral level of PH 6.5-7.5 after the first application.

Everyone understands that without fertilizers it is impossible to get a positive result on the field.
Organic part of UNICORN ™Is a unique combination of organic compounds, humic acids, fulvic acids, peptides, amino acids, hormones and a wide range of substances that increase humus and activate the existing potential fertility of the soil restoring it from degraded to natural and fertile, physiological and metabolic processes. .
The mineral part in the product acts as accumulators and regulators of soil nutrients. Accumulation and regulation of nutrients are especially important for those ions that are easily leached — NO- and NH +, or quickly converted into inaccessible to plants forms: phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. Reduces nitrogen leaching from the soil by 4-5 times. As a result, it allows plants to efficiently use soil nutrients.