UNICORN ™ — accelerates metabolic processes in plants and soil, thickens cell membranes and increases plant turgor (power of plant sap movement). Humic and fulvic acids, which are part of UNICORN , form a long-term stimulating nutrition of soil and plant microbiota and provide crops with more accessible labile (water-soluble) organic substances that quickly and generously enrich the soil with amino acids, hormones, proteins and other deficiencies.Your expected result: increase in yield and product quality up to 70%.

+OVER 40%
Depending on the soil, UNICORN fertilizer can increase the yield of many crops by 30-60% in the first year and by 40-80% in the second year, depending on the crop.- the presence of organo-mineral fertilizer in the soil reduces the content of nitrates in fruits by 40 — 60%, increases the content of sugars and ascorbic acid in fruits and improves other indicators of crops.The results of numerous studies conducted in more than 12 research institutions in European Union show that the application of 1-1.5 t / ha of fertilizer guarantees an increase in the yield of major crops. Our technology allows you to apply fertilizers in the first year 1-1.5 tons per 1 ha depending on soil condition, in subsequent crops 0.5-0.7 tons per 1 ha in spring or autumn tillage to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters.

In greenhouses, the use of fertilizers increases the yield of vegetables and berries up to 60% and increases the content of vitamins up to 70%, reduces the amount of nitrates by 60%. Legumes and grasses increase yields by 30-40%, including chernozems by 13-21%, alluvial soils by 20-40% and ash soils by 12-20%. — carrots, beets, potatoes by 63% -75%, — eggplant — 55%, — wheat — 25%, — apples — 28% -35%, — corn — 30%, — rice — 35%, — tomatoes and peppers — 33%.Growing strawberries and flowers on our fertilizer — hyacinths, carnations, tulips provides high seed germination, good rooting and development of a strong root system, seed germination 10-15 days earlier under conditions of soil temperature.